Associated Engineering | Production Pulse Newsletter | Volume 1 - Issue 2
G eographic I nformation S ystem
Project Highlight SAIT Polytechnic SAIT Polytechnic and the City of Calgary
Project Description: The Capstone Project is the major project component of the Bachelor of Applied Technology GIS program at SAIT Polytechnic. The objective of the project was to provide practical experience in the design, planning, development and implementation of an industry relevant GIS project by student groups. In partnership with the City of Calgary – Roads department, Associated Engineering was able to assist in mentoring five (5) student project groups towards the successful completion of several projects related to:
pedestrian walkability;
• app creation and testing on sidewalk assets;
pavement condition analysis;
road marking data improvement, and
• using GIS to identify missing sidewalk links.
The final presentations were completed over MS Teams and used the power of ESRI ’ s ArcGIS Online products (including Dashboard and Story Maps) to visualize the result of the students work in an interactive and dynamic fashion. The students used the projects to learn real technical industry skills, as well as the opportunity to develop their soft - skills (including communication, conflict resolution and time management). In return, our partners at the City of Calgary were able to have processes developed and analysis completed which may not have been completed otherwise due to budget and time constraints. One project was so successful that the City of Calgary was able to expand upon it and ultimately use it towards applying for federal grant funding. Congratulations Wallace La, GIS Analyst (Calgary office) in successfully delivering this project!
If you have any questions pertaining to this project or other GIS interests, please contact:
Kent Richardson
Dominique Toth
Wallace La
GIS Technologist / DIG Chair
GIS Technician / DIG Co - Chair
GIS Analyst
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