Production Pulse Newsletter 2021_vol2_iss1



Digital Signatures For All Staff

3 Digital Signature Options to Support All Staff

All staff now have access to a Digital Signature AE Certificate that creates a relationship between our AE Master Certificate and the User's ID. Using the AECertificate identifies who the signer is within the AE organization (unlike using a personal certificate).

Production Services

The AE Certificate allows us to:

Secure a document from changes,

Identify who signs.

The AE Certificate is tied to our AEMaster Certificate and your Active Directory (AD) user account, which means that data is visible, which provides the ability to identify who signed a document.

Instructions to setup YOUR Digital Signature Today! (using PDF Xchange) : HERE

Bill Moore

For questions related to Digital Signatures contact:

Technical Services ProductionManager

What is a Digital Signature? Digital Signatures are like electronic “ fingerprints. ” In the form of a coded message, the digital signature securely associates a signer with a document in a recorded transaction. Digital Signatures, like handwritten signatures, are unique to each signer.

Digital Signature solution providers (such as Notarius) follow a specific protocol, called PKI. PKI requires the provider to use a mathematical algorithm to generate two long numbers, called keys:

One key is public.

One key is private.

When a signatory electronically signs a document, the signature is created using the signatory ’ s private key, which is always securely kept by the signatory. The mathematical algorithm acts as a cipher, creating data matching the signed document, called a hash, and encrypting that data. The resulting encrypted data is the digital signature. The signature is also marked with the time that the document was signed. If the document changes after signing, the digital signature is invalidated.

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