Production Pulse Newsletter 2021_vol2_iss1
Technical Development Council Updates
The Technical Development Council (TDC) is represented by the following 12 individuals:
Steve Croxford Production Services
Bill Moore
Carma Holmes
Dean Shiskowski
Don Kennedy
Duane Strayer
Edith Asselin
Elia Edwards
Jeff Horan
John Van Der Eerden
Owen James
Paul Hague
In 2020, we opened 14 new TDC tasks and completed 5. Some examples of tasks completed are:
• Task 129 – Structural Inspectors Handbook - This task standardized the resources for our structural inspectors (ie. checklists, forms, calculators etc). • Task 138 – Net Zero Metric Development – A “ Building Information Label ” (BIL) has been developed. We can now begin to track the energy, carbon and water embodied quantities and usages of our buildings. Phase II of this project was opened as a new Task 174. • Task 152 - Cloud - based computing platform for climate analysis and other needs - This task was finalized with a report that provides guidance on how to use and charge for this service when a project requires intense computing needs. We exceeded the budget allocated for the year to undertake this work for the first time. In previous years, the funds that were not able to be spent on TDC tasks was reported on as a missed opportunity, since these tasks help us to improve our technical resources and to work more efficiently. If demand exceeds the annual budget allocated to the TDC, the Council may prioritize future ideas based on some weighted criteria such as:
If you have any ideas to improve our systems, processes, efficiencies, and tools, we encourage you to discuss these with your DIG and one of the above - mentioned Council members.
Number of people impacted
Improves Quality
Improves Efficiency
Advances Knowledge
If you have any questions pertaining to the Technical Development Council (TDC), please contact: Steve Croxford, Professional Services Production Manager
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